Wedding Bliss

Hey peeps! It’s been a while, but when I said I wanted to spend my summer resting I meant just that! My whole summer has consisted of sleeping, eating, and working the store, and to be honest I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Prior to this summer I hadn’t had a chance to

Lynn University Fashion Show

Saturday night, May 6th,  I attended Lynn University’s Fashion Show in support of Melly (my model). She majors in Fashion at Lynn University and in preparation for her graduation she has been participating in a lot of fashion shows, which have included partnerships with Saks. It’s crazy because I didn’t even know Lynn had a

Queen Convos

Friday night, I attended my high school cheer sister, turned customer, turned friend’s event. Sukeenah Kelly, has spearheaded an organization called Queen Tingz (Queen Convos) with the initiative  to empower women of color. Made up of an intimate group of 25 women, the event started off with ice breakers so that everyone could loosen up

Yellow All Spring ’18

Soooo… I’ve come to the realization that my body is not the same anymore 🙁 Last Sunday I went to Coolerfest with my brothers and it took me two days to recover. I haven’t had a drink in so long and  having only three cups that night did it for me. If you’ve never been

Ainkas Jewels

If you know me, you know my love for fashion/artsy events. I live for a night out amongst creatives like myself. I was invited to Ainkas Jewels Spring Fashion Show Event to showcase her newest collection and it was nothing short of amazing. I think she may have invented the phrase arm candy. All her

Thursday’s Glow

Man… I’m not sure why I thought today was Friday, but I was in such a good mood! Maybe because I looked good? Or maybe because I got up super early this morning? Or maybe because I know tomorrow is Friday (FYI which is my favorite day of the week)? Orrrrrr just maybe because I

Highlighting Solemn Times

Friday night, leading into Saturday, I was well on my way to making a terrible decision. My uncle’s friend, a neighborhood friend turned family, passed away February 13, and I told myself over and over that I was not attending the funeral. I felt that my obligation was to my store and that my customers

Traveling With My Little One

Bruhhh! Let me first start off saying traveling with an infant is not easy. At this point, I don’t know when our next trip will be lol. Even though I wasn’t traveling by myself, it still was hard. It wasn’t his behavior, truly he was an angel. He slept the whole way there and surprisingly

Fashion and Inspiration

The last six days of my life have been action-packed! In the last six days I have probably got about eighteen hours of sleep total. Lol I know, crazy right! I jetted out to New York Friday morning to participate in the New York Fashion Week 2018 festivities. It’s soooooo harddddd trying to put looks

Goal Setting

Despite how cliché it may sound I have to say it, “New Year, New Goals” 🙂 The purpose of today’s story is to share my New Year’s Goals with you guys and obviously the details of my outfit! I accomplished so much last year but this year I want to do even more. My goals