Yellow All Spring ’18

Soooo… I’ve come to the realization that my body is not the same anymore 🙁 Last Sunday I went to Coolerfest with my brothers and it took me two days to recover. I haven’t had a drink in so long and  having only three cups that night did it for me. If you’ve never been

Thursday’s Glow

Man… I’m not sure why I thought today was Friday, but I was in such a good mood! Maybe because I looked good? Or maybe because I got up super early this morning? Or maybe because I know tomorrow is Friday (FYI which is my favorite day of the week)? Orrrrrr just maybe because I

How to Overcome Your Obstacles

“Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair./ Its had tacks in it,/ And splinters,/ And boards torn up,/ And places with no carpet on the floor–/ Bare./ But all the time/ I’se been a-climbin’ on,” – Langston Hughes. These words, written in the poem “Mother to Son” have been momentous in my life for