Summer Style

The official start date for summer is June 20th, but with these soaring temperatures in South Florida we have already prepped for days filled with swimsuits, ice cream, and tropical vacations. I know that I shared with you guys that I work full-time, plus I manage the blog, but I never really shared what it

Move Over Big Names. There Are Some New Brands In Town!

I guess Saturday was a day to experiment with different brands! I was invited to an apparel launching party and I needed the perfect attire. I visited several malls, all to be disappointed. I could not find anything that spoke to me. Right when I thought I was all out of options, something triggered in

The Perfect Space

You own a business and you have been beating your brain about finding an affordable rental space for your company. You have been looking for a space to host a charity event or sip and shop. Your wedding is coming up and you have been searching for the perfect venue to host your engagement dinner/wedding.

Things Your Mom Really Needs– Mother’s Day Gift Guide

I always see these Mother’s Day Gift Guides that have a bunch of things that your mother does not need, nor want. A $300 key chain? Yeah your mom really needs that! This guide is for the real! So exactly what does your mom need? For starters… A bag that never gets full. The Louis

Atlanta Vibes and Airplane Comfort

You know you really enjoyed your trip when you contemplate relocating to that city. With some of the best lounges, eateries, malls, fashion enthusiasts, and my best friend, all located in Atlanta, how could I not love it? The trip started off kind of crazy. Once we arrived to ATL Airport, I realized I misplaced

A Hidden Gem of Palm Beach

Two weekends ago, I had an amazing time celebrating a friend’s birthday. She decided to do something a little different. Rather than having a birthday dinner at a restaurant, she celebrated more intimately — renting a suite at the W Hotel on Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale, FL and having a dinner party in the

Earning My Stripes

I had a life this weekend! WOOT! WOOT! My bestfriend and I are going on an overdue slaycation, so we had to do a little shoppinggggg… With all the things going on in my life, I never get to see her. I thank God for Verizon everyday, because they’ve been keeping our friendship alive. There

New Week New Goals

I’ve been working on incremental goal setting. I have an overarching goal, and each week I set a small goal to help me eventually reach my main goal. Doing it in this way helps your goal seem more attainable. It is also a rewarding process on a weekly basis — each week you have something

Best Music Festivals of 2016

Ok! So spring and summer are good for nice weather, but both seasons are GREAT for awesome music festivals. I am counting down my top music festivals of 2016. I will also be dishing the deets on my favorite festival fashion! So what makes a good music festival? I am glad you asked… It first

Dinner Anyone?

There are only two other things I love in life other than fashion, and that’s eating and sleeping. With my current schedule, I rarely get much of either, but when I do get a chance to do either, I take advantage of it. This Friday I was like move over deprivation! Mama’s got some grubbing